Prudential:Tax Credit到期对大部分买家无影响
普天寿说,根据他们的调查,65%的房子买家不会因为Tax Credit到期而改变主意。我倒要看看剩下的35%会怎么打算,对未来几个月的销量有什么影响。过去一年房市上的需求很大一部分是Obama那两个Tax Credit带来的,这些伟哥出来的需求极大地损害了自由市场的自我调节功能。现在这个Tax Credit到期,鄙人期望房市能回到健康调整的轨道上来。
普天寿说,根据他们的调查,65%的房子买家不会因为Tax Credit到期而改变主意。我倒要看看剩下的35%会怎么打算,对未来几个月的销量有什么影响。过去一年房市上的需求很大一部分是Obama那两个Tax Credit带来的,这些伟哥出来的需求极大地损害了自由市场的自我调节功能。现在这个Tax Credit到期,鄙人期望房市能回到健康调整的轨道上来。
昨晚看前辈Ramond Chen的部落格,里面教诲大家发伊妹儿问问题的时候最好把你踹过的东西都讲讲,免得浪费DL上别人的时间。里面有个回帖很有意思,文中提到:
I seem to have the exactly opposite problem.
I write a question for a discussion group. I re-read it and think, nah, this question will make the reader think I’m struggling with the widely known issue ABC. So I add: Please note it’s not the issue ABC because conditions X and Y are not met in my case.
OK, I re-read the whole thing again and add yet another clarification: Also note that XYZ solution does not apply here because of GHI.
The process repeats several times. Finally I’m happy with the result so I post the question.
Very quickly I get a response — You’re a n00b, it’s a widely known issue ABC! RTFM!
I respond — please read my question again. I described why ABC does not apply here.
I then get another answer (often from the same person): Try XYZ then.
Again, I reply — please read my question again. I described why XYZ won’t help me.
Several posts later we finally achieve a point where everybody has finally read my question in full and actually understood it. But at that point they are so pissed off for being told to read my question again several times that they are not willing to help anymore.
指数主义者一般都被认为是被动投资,这本书讲授如何主动利用指数来进行投资。很适合我这样的懒人。 |