Profile Myning
- Mass Mingling:移动互联网和象Foursquare,Google Latitude, Loopt 和 FireEagle这样的工具使得朋友间的找寻,跟踪,联络与约会变得更简单。下一步可能是陌生人之间的更即兴更简短的集会(象tweetmob那样)。
- Profile Myning:一方面,各大厂商千方百计地想挖掘客户的信息以达到更好地有针对新的营销。另外一方面,消费者倾向于捂紧自己的隐私,让商家的企图难以得逞。这给创造了一些走中间路线的商机。譬如:做保护个人品牌业的ReputationDefender 和ClaimID,[以及存储和保护个人物理信息的Swiss DNA Bank,这个俺不是很感兴趣]。不是很清楚这些业务具体怎么操作,但是据那个趋势简报说:
- Now that hundreds of millions of consumers maintain some kind of online profile/presence, who’s going to set up an intermediary representing consumers who are willing to disclose (parts of) their purchasing intentions, and then invite companies to put in bids?
- With personal profiles (which are the nucleus of one’s personal brand) representing an ever-greater emotional and financial value, expect a burgeoning market for services that protect, store, and, in case of emergencies/death, arrange handing over of one’s digital estate to trusted others.
we’re putting our money on data and profile mining by its rightful owners, i.e. consumers. Hence the MYNING, not MINING. Opportunities:
- 厂商要的是赤裸裸的“绝对真理”,这些厂商所提供的听起来象钱老说过的部分裸露“相对真理”。
- Twitter和Facebook已经成为一种社交通信工具。这种实时通信模式将与企业进一步融合。在线CRM厂商Salesforce将发布 Chatter,这款实时企业数据产品将与Twitter和Facebook整合,并将这两个社交网络打造成为商业工具。Yammer和Bantam Live等创业企业也将拓展类似的模式,提升企业的社交性。这些数据从哪里来呢?个人推测:企业要提高社交性的需要和消费者Profile Myning的结合,会导致一些中间路线个人品牌业者的进一步崛起。